The Great Barrier Reef is an awe-inspiring natural wonder, cherished for its beauty and value. It’s no secret that the Reef is under pressure from multiple threats. That’s why the Queensland Government is committing large-scale funds and working closely with many partners to safeguard the Reef.

And when it comes to protecting our Reef, everyone can play a part.

Tagline: Our Reef Our Wonder

The Great Barrier Reef is home to a breathtaking array of coral and marine species, many of which exist nowhere else on Earth. Supported by a vast ecosystem of seagrass beds, mangroves, islands, beaches and wetlands, its universal value is World Heritage listed. It’s part of our national identity and deeply intertwined with the rich history of Australia’s First Nations peoples.

The Reef beckons visitors from all over the world, offering them a place for relaxation and recreation. It contributes $6.4 billion to the economy each year and supports around 64,000 full-time jobs.

The Queensland Government has committed more than $1 billion since 2015 on actions to protect our Reef. Locally, we’re focusing on improving land condition, reducing water pollution flowing from the land and removing harmful species such as the coral eating crown-of-thorns starfish. We’re taking bold action to protect current and future generations from the impacts of climate change. This is a team effort—we’re also working with communities and thousands of organisations and individuals.

These efforts are paying off, but we need to increase our impact. And the great news is that everyone can take action, big or small, to help make a difference.

Case studies

Preserving the wonder

The Great Barrier Reef is still great but faces some challenges. View the Preserve the Wonder video to explore how many people including rangers, farmers, scientists and the community are working to Preserve the Wonder of the Great Barrier Reef.

Watch video about Preserving the wonder

Graziers reducing their environmental footprint

Graziers Brigid and Owen Price are adopting industry best practice beef production systems to boost their productivity and profits and reduce their environmental footprint. The couple and their three children farm at Injune and Rockhampton. They strive to be viable and sustainable by optimising pastures and reducing nutrient, sediment and chemical run-off. Read the graziers’ story.

Two farmers smiling crouched in front of a field of cows
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Graziers Owen and Brigid Price from Injune.

Photo credit: © Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Monitoring coral health

Volunteers are helping monitor the health of the Great Barrier Reef through the not-for-profit citizen science program CoralWatch. Based at The University of Queensland, CoralWatch has developed a simple chart for assessing coral health. Volunteers are also encouraged to take action to reduce their carbon emissions and help save the Reef.

Watch video about Monitoring coral health

Visit the Great Barrier Reef with a Master Reef Guide

Master Reef Guides are striving to be the world’s leading Reef guides, interpreters and storytellers sharing the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area through engaging, entertaining and educational experiences that exceed visitor expectations. Watch the Master Reef Guide experiences video to learn more about Master Reef Guides.

Master Reef Guide snorkellers in bright yellow rashies floating over beautiful coral reef.
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Master Reef Guides provide advice and assistance to visitors to the Reef.

Photo credit: © Commonwealth of Australia (GBRMPA)

Master Reef Guide Michelle

Meet Master Reef Guide Michelle Barry from Spirit of Freedom and learn more about why the cod hole is her favourite dive site. Michelle is one of many Master Reef Guides who conduct regular Reef surveys which provide valuable data about Reef health.

Watch video about Master Reef Guide Michelle

Tropical fruit farmer Will Darveniza

Farming practices play an important role in the health of the Great Barrier Reef. Landholders such as tropical fruit farmer Will Darveniza are environmental stewards, working hard to reduce soil, nutrient and pesticide run-off and improve the quality of water flowing to the Great Barrier Reef.

Watch video about Tropical fruit farmer Will Darveniza

Restoring seagrass beds

Volunteer citizen scientists have spent more than 1000 hours collecting over one million seagrass seeds to help restore seagrass beds which provide habitat for fish, filter nutrients and sediment, trap carbon and are an important food source for dugong and turtles. Learn more about this project which is run by Professor Emma Jackson, Director Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC) at CQUniversity.

Watch video about Restoring seagrass beds


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