Fees and services

State Government’s Fee Unit Model

The Queensland Government introduced a Fee Unit Model (the model) under Queensland Treasury’s Principles for Fees and Charges policy on 1 July 2021. The Fee Unit Model changed the mechanism for how fees are updated annually to reflect indexation.

The model replaces fee dollars with a set fee unit, with the fee unit value prescribed in the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (AIA).

Under the AIA the fee unit value set for 2021–22 fees was 1 fee unit = $1.00, meaning a prescribed regulatory fee of $3.75 in 2021–22 equalled 3.75 fee units.

Towards supporting the cost of living, the annual fee indexation for 2024-25 will remain the same as 2023-24. The 2024-25 fee unit value in the AIA, commencing on 1 July 2024, will be 1 fee unit = $1.060.

In the above example, the 2024–25 fee unit dollar value for 3.75 fee units is $4.00. (3.75 x $1.060 = 3.975 rounded to 4.00).

Department prescribed regulations contain the dollar value rounding rule which must be applied when calculating the new fee unit dollar value for all regulatory and non-regulatory fees. Other department publications and receipting systems will continue to reference fee dollars for all regulatory and non-regulatory fees as well.

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