Easy energy-saving tips to bring down your bills
Issued: 8 May 6 min read

Want to combat the cost of living and help our environment? Make some of these easy energy-efficient changes and watch your savings stack up.

In a world where every watt counts and every dollar saved makes a difference, finding ways to reduce your energy bills has dual benefits for your bank account and the environment. We’re here to dish out some practical tips and innovative solutions to empower you to take control of your energy consumption – without compromising on comfort or convenience. From small adjustments in daily habits to larger investments in energy-efficient technologies, every step you take towards energy efficiency is a win-win for both your wallet and the planet.

Ready to walk the path to a greener, more energy-efficient life? Let’s get into it.

Getting a professional auditor to find inefficiencies in your home energy usage can help you address the root cause of any wastage.

Get the whole picture

When it comes to energy-saving tips, knowing your weak spots is crucial. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, doing an audit of your existing energy usage is a great place to start. The Residential Efficiency Scorecard program is a nationally recognised system that can help you find blind spots in your energy usage. Get access to a government-accredited scorecard assessor trained to sniff out energy inefficiencies and provide sustainable solutions for your home.

Shop around

Whether it’s car insurance or superannuation, plenty of folks stay with the same provider for years out of habit or convenience – you’re not alone! However, you’d be surprised by how much money you can save by shopping around. Energy Made Easy is a free, independent government resource that helps you compare prices and get the best deal for your circumstances. All you have to do is plug in your postcode, current provider/s, and some details about your previous bills to get a thorough comparison of the services in your area.

Set the mood and save some energy with dimmable lights - you can even install systems to control your lighting from your smartphone.

See the light

More quick maths – the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water shared that lighting makes up around 10% of the average household energy bill. Unless you’re leaning into a moody candlelit vibe, lights are non-negotiable in most houses – so opting for energy-efficient lightbulbs is a no-brainer.

Not a fan of bright overhead lighting? Embracing lamps and dimmer switches is a great way to both create a calm atmosphere and conserve energy. It’s also worth channelling your inner nag and getting into the habit of only lighting rooms you’re using. Make it a household rule that the last person to leave a room has to switch the lights off.

Switch off

Complacency (read: being a little bit lazy) is one of the biggest roadblocks to achieving meaningful energy efficiency. According to Choice, standby power can account for more than 10% of your household electricity use – that’s a lot of idle appliances creating a lot of wasted energy. The solution? Make a habit of switching items off at the wall when not in use. Simple yet effective!

Putting your ceiling fans to work instead of opting for air-con can greatly bring down your power bills.

Hack your home temperature

Temperature can make or break how comfy you feel at home, so it makes sense that heating and cooling can take a big chunk out of your energy budget – around 40%, in fact. Cutting down costs can be as simple as making a few smart swaps – here are our favourite energy-saving tips in the temperature space.

Work with the weather: Take advantage of nature – keep blinds and curtains open in winter to let the sun warm you up and close the blinds or curtains in summer to cut through the heat.

Be a fan of fans: Compared to air-con, ceiling and pedestal fans are a much more energy-efficient way to keep a room cool.

Layer up: Beat the chill with cosy blankets, jumpers, or trackies before reaching for that heater remote.

Be air-con intelligent

If you just can’t part with your temperature-controlling appliances, there are some things you can do to minimise their running costs (and environmental impact).

Go for the energy-efficient option: Appliances due for an upgrade? Opt for an air conditioner or heater with a high energy efficiency rating. When you factor in the steep running costs of these sorts of machines, more energy stars mean more money saved long-term.

Set and forget: Set your system to 24°C in summer and 18°C to 20°C in winter – these ranges will keep you comfy year-round.

Slow and steady: Resist the urge to crank the air-con up or down – it’s more energy efficient to let the temperature adjust slowly.

Switching to solar is a great way to cut down your energy bills (and emissions!).

Consider solar power

One of the most tangible ways to move towards true sustainability is by embracing natural resources. If you’re in a position to make changes to your home, consider solar power. Not only is this a form of clean energy, but it’s a financially intelligent decision – research from Canstar Blue in December 2023 revealed that the average credit for Queensland homes with solar panels is $127.

Curious about the sun-powered life? The Australian Government’s Solar Consumer Guide is a great jumping-off point if you have questions about pricing, installation, finding the right provider, and the technology behind the energy.

Optimise your work-from-home setup

Since the early days of the pandemic, there’s been a surge in folks either ditching the office completely or switching to a hybrid working schedule. If you work from home either full- or part-time, it can have more of an impact on your energy usage than you think. Figures from Finder place WFH costs around $340 in summer and $324 in winter, with the biggest energy-suckers being heating and cooling. So, what can you do to bring those numbers down?

Get savvy with temperature control: Nobody wants to be sweating over spreadsheets or shivering through strategy meetings, but there are smart ways to cut down your heating and cooling costs if you’re home all day.

Say “bye” to standby mode: It can seem fiddly turning everything off at the wall when you’ve got monitors, laptop chargers, and other miscellaneous electronics as part of your WFH setup. Make it easy with a power board – you can arrange your devices on different boards in order of how often you use them.

Go digging for deals: As mentioned earlier, your current energy provider may not be giving you the most bang for your buck. Hunt for the best deals, paying particular attention to off-peak pricing that suits your work schedule.

Ditch the dryer and make friends with your clothesline.

Clean up your (laundry) act

Your laundry is one of the places in your home where energy usage can stack up – fast. The easiest way to bring down your bills here is to make the most of natural resources. When possible, ditching the dryer and opting for the clothesline or a clothes rack can help you save a lot of electricity. If you can’t avoid a tumble dry, make sure your appliance is running efficiently – make a habit of cleaning out the lint filter after every use. Washing-wise, opting for a cold-water cycle is a good way to conserve energy – just make sure you check clothes labels for washing instructions first.

Get creative with your kitchen

The kitchen is an area that sees a lot of action, which can translate to higher bills. We’ve assembled a list of quick wins you can implement to bring down your kitchen costs.

Fight food waste: Did you know the average Aussie household wastes about 4 kilograms of food per week? This translates to a lot of dollars down the drain. Some of the easiest ways to combat food waste are to prepare only what you need, use your leftovers, and store food appropriately. Check out our blog on how to store produce properly to make your food last longer.

Check your seals: Your fridge and oven seals can degrade over time, which leads to heat and cool air escaping. This means your appliances are working overtime to do their job – no thanks. Check your seals and replace them if needed.

Optimise your fridge: Good ventilation is crucial for keeping your fridge running optimally, so make sure it’s got space to breathe – we’re talking a 5-centimetre gap minimum all the way around. Vacuuming your fridge coils may not be the most exciting job, but it can clear out dust and make your appliance more efficient. It’s also worth setting your fridge at an energy-friendly temperature of 5°C and your freezer should be set between -15°C and -18°C.

Be diligent with your dishwasher: Being frugal with your dishwasher habits can have a positive impact on your hip pocket! Be sure to only run your dishwasher when it’s full, keep the filter clean, and use the economy setting for everyday loads.