Can you find our missing shark tracker on Mulgumpin?

Issued: 26 Oct 2023

Photo of the grey nurse shark that has somehow dropped its tag.Open larger image

This grey nurse shark somehow dropped its tag.

Aerial shot with coordinates showing the area on Mulgumpin where the tag is.Open larger image

The area on Mulgumpin where the tag is.

The hunt is on for a tracking tag that has dislodged from a grey nurse shark and washed ashore on the eastern side of Mulgumpin (Moreton Island).

The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) fitted the missing MINIPAT satellite tag to a mature male grey nurse shark at Flat Rock on 23 August 2023.

Senior Conservation Officer Dr Carley Kilpatrick said tracking data suggested the satellite tag is no longer attached to the shark and has washed ashore.

“The grey nurse shark may have rubbed the tag off on rocks, it may have dislodged during mating, a fish may have tried to eat it, or a fisher may have captured the shark and released the tag,” Ms Kilpatrick said.

“On 26 October 2023, we pinpointed the location of the satellite tag to a remote stretch of beach on the eastern side of the island.

“The tag will be within a 250m stretch of beach determined by four position estimates from recent satellite transmissions, most likely at or above the high tide line, or it may be partially or fully covered with debris.

“The four latest satellite transmissions show the tag has remained in the same vicinity, and if it was still floating in the ocean, it would be travelling down the coast.

“Rangers have searched for the satellite tag without success. If you’re on Mulgumpin, or you’re heading to the eastern beach at the weekend, please keep your eyes open.

“The tag is black and grey, is shaped like a candle-type light bulb and is slightly bigger than a tennis ball.”

Tips for tracking the satellite tracking tag:

  • Make sure you watch out for any beach traffic, and only commence the search when safe
  • Start searching in the middle of the yellow shaded area on the map provided
  • Work outwards in a north and south direction
  • Concentrate on debris above the high tide mark

Anyone who finds the tag is encouraged to record the location, take a selfie with the tag and hand it to a ranger or email